The 'sudo' command allows this protected file to be removed with the rm command. To get rid of this gluttonous file, you can use Terminal (found in your Utilities folder). The missing space can be mysterious, because the file won’t be shown by the Finder, so it’s just space that’s apparently gone missing. if your Mac has 8GB memory, an 8GB sleepimage exists, 32GB memory a 32GB sleepimage, etc. If you're looking around on your mac for places to save space, you might notice that space equivalent to the amount of memory in your Mac is suddenly missing from your boot drive e.g. For example, wasting 16+ GB of capacity on a 128GB SSD is un appealing. On laptops, space can be limited, especially if you’re using a solid state drive of modest size.

Now press the “Command” button on your keyboard.First, right click on the Trash Bin icon.In order to completely erase files from your disk drive use the following method: But remember: files erased in this manner may still be available unless the pertinent disk sectors are overwritten by other files. Files in the trash bin still consume HD space, so unless you empty the trash bin, you’re not saving space by storing files here.įiles in the trash bin can be delete individually or all at once by right clicking the Trash Bin icon and clicking “Empty Trash”. Rather, it is a place for us to put files aside before permanently deleting them. The Trash Bin in OS X is not your junk or deleted files’ folder like in Windo=ws. But we won’t recommend it for general users. You could get around the Trash Bin step by using a custom command. There is no way to delete things immediately without putting them in the trash bin first. On Mac OS X, files that we choose to delete go into the Trash Bin before being permanently deleted.