All the abnormalities (values too high or too low) are highlighted. PQ tabular evaluation PQ values are displayed in a time evaluation table per hour, day or awake/spleep period. If this in not observed in the graph, the user has the possibility to mark all the suspicious values and verify them in an ECG strip. QT should adapt to higher heart rates by becoming shorter. QT/RR and QT/HR graphs QT(c)/RR and the QT(c)/HR perfectly visualize the dependency of the QT interval on the heart rate. All abnormalities (values too high or too low) are highlighted. QT, QTc trend QT and the QTc are plotted against time.

QT, QTc tabular evaluation Both the QT and the QTc values are displayed in a time evaluation table per hour, day or awake/sleep periods. All abnormalities (elevations or depressions) are highlighted. ST trends ST segment is plotted against time. It also informs about how often (in %) the ST segment was elevated, depressed or at the baseline. ST tabular evaluation This table, also known as the ischemic burden table, shows the maximum, the minimimum and the average level of the ST segment in each lead. HRV trends HRV values are plotted against time and can be compared with the heart rate trend or the patient activity graph. The results are shown in a time evalution table. HRV tabular evaluation HRV in time and frequency domain is calculated per hour, day or awake/sleep period. These phenomenons as well as all the paced beats are shown in well-designed time graphs. Pacemaker analysis Pacemaker analysis allows verifying the correct function of the pacemaker by detecting the fail-to-sense and the fail-to-capture phenomenons. Pacemaker detection With the Pacemaker detection all the pacemaker spikes and paced beats are identified in an ECG strip. It is useful especially when working with non-homogeneous templates or when eliminating noise. Graphical event split This tool helps separate morphologies from one-another quickly. Rhythm analysis All the detected rhythms are shown in tables and graphs and sorted based on their importance, duration, heart rate etc. Multilevel template Various morphologies are sorted not only into templates but also into "subtemplates" in order to distinguish the fine differences.